Sly Studio Stories

Sly Studio is a small New Zealand fashion brand, and passionate about reducing waste and creating eco-friendly fashion, Louise Sly has taken part in initiating this Fashion Revolution event at Further Doings Studio for the last two years. Highlighting ethical clothing brands in New Zealand, up-cycled clothing, local New Zealand designers have made new garments from repurposed clothing Read moreΒ  here,

Mode Magazine is a New Zealand online fashion, lifestyle and culture publication established and owned by Noir the Agency, in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa. Mode Magazine was inspired by the need for more diversity in New Zealand media. We were incredibly proud to have been interviewed as part of the very first edition of Mode the Magazine, read more here,

Designer Directory, discover more about New Zealand ethical fashion brands here, by New Zealand Blogger and Eco-activist, Ethically Kate. This is a guide to sustainable clothing brands New Zealand, that are sustainable and ethical,
